These are the Vanilla Vault 111 Suit, then the 2 ‘Slooty’ variants. You can apply these styles when you first start a game in Fallout 4, or head to a barber with the easiest one to access being in Diamond City Market.
Nude mods are nothing new for PC gamers, and it sure didn't take long for them to make their way to Fallout 4.Within three days of launch there are � Best Fallout 4 Character & Beauty Mods for Xbox One - PwrDown Other texture mods will not work. Next up is Lots More Female Hairstyles, which is another beauty mod for female characters. Fallout 4: The Top 15 Armor Mods So Far If Fallout 4's armor selection feels a little bland to you, these are the best armor mods to try when you're wanting to spice it up! A good mod to accompany those in this list is Girly Animations. Minecraft 1.12.2 is still the best version of Minecraft for modding. And in this list, I wanted to cover how we could turn.